If you live in Japan you'll probably be using LINE to chat with everyone.
Here's how you can download movies from your timeline (your android won't let you without rooting it...).
You'll need:
1. chrome or chromium
2. the chrome line app? (maybe not needed)
3. some html/javascript knowledge?
This is what you do:
1. Login to your LINE account using the chrome LINE app
2. Click on the timeline icon on the app, this will take you to somewhere like https://timeline.line.me
3. Login to the timeline screeen
4. Do Ctrl-Shift-J to get the javascript console
5-a. You can inspect the DOM html code until the vid you want is highlighted, and click until you find the "video" html tag, then just copy paste the src attribute's value (an mp4 vid url)
5-b You can also just get all the vids in the page by typing the javascript:
if it's only one, then
should give you the url for the vid, you just copy paste this
6. paste in browser's omnibar and start downloading!