Monday, February 11, 2013

Running quakelive on GNU/Linux

After getting a decent video card, the next obvious thing to do is to at least try it with a game... is a nice one! (lots of actual free games out there to try to though)

I'm using debian, so I'll use iceweasel instead of firefox.

1. run iceweasel
2. go to and register + get the plugin file (QuakeLivePlugin_520.xpi)
3. mkdir -p ~/temp/quakelive; cd ~/temp/quakelive; unzip QuakeLivePlugin_520.xpi; cd ./plugins
4. depeneding on your architecture, copy the file or to ~/.mozilla/plugins
5. restart iceweasel
6. go to again, and it'll say plugin OK and start downloading the rest of the game! After that you'll be able to play.

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