overall steps
1. import ova image
2. change image specs/configs
3. boot image
4. (on X) create default user
5. (on X) setup ssh server and interface
6. confirm you can ssh with a localhost high port
1. virtualbox
2. image files (ova files)
3. an X working system (connect from a GNU/Linux system on your client end, or install a windows client)
I did this on my debian server, on both a physical machine, and a VM, worked just fine.
# ssh to the VM with the -X option, so you can run X programs from the server
# sample for 6.5.2. Please replace VM/image name as needed
# import image
VBoxManage import xrv9k-fullk9-x.vrr.vga-6.5.2.ova
# change name
VBoxManage modifyvm com.cisco.ios-xrv9000 --name iosxrv6.5.2
# change default options that make VM unbootable
VBoxManage modifyvm iosxrv6.5.2 --vtxux on
VBoxManage modifyvm iosxrv6.5.2 --ostype Linux_64
VBoxManage modifyvm iosxrv6.5.2 --cpus 6
VBoxManage modifyvm iosxrv6.5.2 --memory 7096
VBoxManage modifyvm iosxrv6.5.2 --vram 10
VBoxManage modifyvm iosxrv6.5.2 --longmode on
VBoxManage modifyvm iosxrv6.5.2 --graphicscontroller vmsvga
# add ssh port forwarding settings from virtualbox
VBoxManage modifyvm iosxrv6.5.2 --nic6 nat
# Change local port ("5801" here) and connection name (ssh_652) per VM.
# The rest stays the same
VBoxManage modifyvm iosxrv6.5.2 --natpf6 ssh_652,tcp,,5801,,22
# check mac address
grep "Adapter slot=\"5\"" ~/ ~/VirtualBox\ VMs/iosxr\ 6.5.2/*box # replace dir as necessary
# <Adapter slot="5" enabled="true" MACAddress="XXXX" cable="true" type="XXXX">
# we'll use this to confirm on the VM side later that the right interface
# is being addressed
# boot once with X on
# it will be super slow (like 10m?), but it should boot. And ask you for your
# new root username/password
VBoxManage startvm iosxrv6.5.2
# on the X window
# create the new user following the prompt's instructions
# name the device, and setup the ssh server
conf t
hostname iosxr652
crypto key generate rsa
conf t
ssh server v2
line default transport input ssh
# setup interface for ssh forwarding
show int MgmtEth0/RP0/CPU0/0
# confirm mac address is the right one for our port forward
# you should get somewhere around the top a string representing the mac address
# check it matches the string got in the above step "check mac address"
# if not, to check which MAC address matches the mgmt interface, and do the NAT
# ssh port settings to that one instead
conf t
interface MgmtEth0/RP0/CPU0/0
ipv4 address dhcp
no shutdown
# confirm interface is up and has an IP address assigned
show int MgmtEth0/RP0/CPU0/0
# we're assuming the IP address is
# if not, change NAT ssh forwarding settings accordingly
# outside the X window
# (on your regular terminal)
# (on the host running virtualbox)
ssh random_admin@localhost -p 5801 # replace username as necessary
# you should be able to login
# click the close button on the X window with the VM, and choose "shutdown VM"
# start VM again, with no X window
VBoxManage startvm --type headless iosxrv6.5.2
# after 10m or so, confirm you can ssh again
ssh random_admin@localhost -p 5801
# that's it!
# to stop:
# VBoxManage controlvm iosxrv6.5.2 poweroff
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